Salary offers and remote benefits have decreased from the previous years, so you can expect job offers to come with an in-person office requirement. Some companies have decreased their salary bands, or reduced fringe benefits. For example, the same company might have offered Package A to new grads, but now they offer Package B.
When looking at bonuses for performance, companies might opt to raise the bar of what performance is required to earn that bonus, without actually changing the bonus percentage itself. It may also be difficult to get a clear idea of what all the fringe benefits are. Lots of jobs don’t tell you the percentage of health insurance premiums they cover until you actually start there.
Ultimately, when you’re comparing job offers, there’s a lot to consider outside of salary numbers. If it’s a purely financial decision, definitely consider some of those fringe benefits because they can really add up. Outside of the financials, you’ll need to consider your future career growth, potential relocation, and the team you’ll work with.